Saturday, August 21, 2010

And Life Continues On

Mmm, it's a lazy Sunday morning over here in Glorious Japan. I'm sitting cramped up in a window sill because I found that this is the only place that I can steal someone else's internet until I get my own in the beginning of September.

Yesterday was an amazing day. Four of us jumped into our buddy Aaron's wee little K-Car and set off on a journey up the coast of Japan. The weather was hot but not humid and the sky was a lovely cloudless blue. We stopped off at a supermarket to grab some food and silly hats, and then we were off to the beach to swim and lay in the sun.

The place was stunning. Three giant rocks jutted out of the water a ways off. People were snorkling or floating around in inner tubes. The water was warm and calm and my giant beach parasol came in wonderfully handy.

When I got back home I stopped off at a convenience store to grab something to eat. I grabbed an onigiri which is a triangular rice ball wrapped in sea weed, and I was happy enough to find one I've been searching for since I first got here. It's fully of spicy, tasty... something. I don't know what it is. It's red, and it's good, but whether it's fish or beef or crushed up spider guts still remains a mystery. And it might just be safer that way.

So back at my apartment I'm sitting watching some silly Japanese drama about who knows what, when I realize that that time when I first got here and first ate that spicy onigiri for the first time was so long ago. I've already hit five weeks. I've already moved into my apartment, gone to work, met with coworkers, met new friends, gone on silly adventures to the beach, and it's all be absolutely lovely.

And life continues on. Today I have boring errands to run like grocery shopping and buying laundry detergent which will invariably be made fun because of my inability to really speak any Japanese.


Andygirl said...

sounds amazing!

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