Sunday, November 21, 2010

I can feel it coming...

The weather is not behaving favorably.
Last year, from what I’ve heard, the snow had already started and the ski resorts were open. Currently that is not the case. Yes, the weekend was sunny and warm and beautiful and yes I wore shorts and sandals and a sweatshirt, but I want snow. I want powder. I want lots and lots of white frost everywhere so I can drive up to the mountains to conquer them.
Of course everyone else I know writhes in pain on the floor whenever I say this. They say I don’t understand. That the winter is cold and driving dangerous. I normally retort with “But the mountains! They LAUGH at me!”
I’ve got this image in my head that I’m going to throw on my board and be an instant expert carver. Like I’ve been doing it my whole life. In my head, I’m doing back flips and spins and tricks.
In real life I can’t imagine that’s how it’s actually going to be. Most likely it’ll be more like me going down the bunny slopes 10 times trying desperately not to break my neck while five year olds whiz past me on their skis because they’ve been doing this since they could walk.
But what I lack in skill I’ll make up for in determination! Just try and stop me mountains! Bring it!


Anonymous said...

The mountains don't have to try. They don't need to come to you. You will come to it.

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